Monday, March 27, 2006

Hello World?

So, I hear this blogging thing is pretty popular with the kids. Apparently it also has some legs with others as well. Well, here I go...I guess.

I'm less than enthusiastic about the process of doing this. I mean who really cares about the chronicles of Joe B ? Who am I to have such interesting stories? Why would anyone come and visit this nonense? The answer is, I have no idea, nor do I care. In the end, this is all just another avenue of expression. And since everyone should have the ability to express themselves anyway they please, well why shouldn't I?

I have no idea where this will go. I have no plans other than to post my random musings. Although now that I think of it, there may be some topics along these lines:

- People are stupid
- Everyone loves soup
- Trading and Investing matters
- The software industry is a joke

eh...whatever. For now, I'm here. Time will tell if this is worthwhile exercise or not.

More to come....


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