Saturday, August 05, 2006

Fat And Happy!

Several years ago, I embarked on a journey that would transform my life. I committed to myself that I would no longer put up with guilty feelings of consuming things that weren’t in my body’s best interest. Along with the diet, I vowed never to feel pain again from the rigors of exercise. No more waking up with aches and pains that weren’t there the previous day. It just wasn’t paying off for me, I was feeling guilty all the time for eating things my inner voice told me to avoid, feeling sore from attempting to do things my body didn’t really want me to do, and just generally a-happy.

Several years later, I’m proud to say that the Fat and Happy Plan works!!! I’m the heaviest and the most out of shape I’ve ever been in my life. In addition, I’ve been eating and drinking anything I want for years. I beg you to come up with another diet and exercise program that can claim that.

Here’s the trouble. After years of successfully implementing this plan, I’m a-happy once again. For the millions of others who have followed me on this plan, stand in front of a mirror stark naked and you’ll know what I’m talking about. I am a complete tub of goo, tired the majority of the time, lacking energy, focus, and motivation, living incongruently. The body and mind not in harmony. Could this be from over seven years of perfecting the Fat and Happy Plan?

Keep in mind, for those of you that are in shape and feeling good, are tired of all the stress and strain you put on your body, and sick of listening to that inner voice that tells you to order a feta salad instead of the gyro plate, the Fat and Happy Plan is for you. For myself however, it’s time for a change.

I’d like to be as happy with myself as I was when I invented the Fat and Happy Plan and started implementing it. But what? Diet and exercise programs suck, especially for people that don’t know anything about diet and exercise. I lack self-discipline and self-control, how am I going to change that? That seems to be important part of diet and exercise. I don’t have the tools to sustain any form of rigorous program. My mind is also a tub of goo. I’m not one to buy things off of infomercials, nor do I think they actually work. I guess its back to the drawing board.


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