Sunday, August 06, 2006

Day 1 - Genius

I’ve got it. Hours after realizing how bad my body and mind gooness has become, I’ve come up with a simple plan that will work. I’ll put the new plan in play for the next 30 days. At the end of 30 days I will lose at weight without doing much at all. The only question is how effective this plan will be, will it work as well as the Fat and Happy Plan.

For immediate release:

From the author of the Fat and Happy Plan comes, "The Diet and Exercise Plan For Stupid People That Lack Self-Control and Don’t Know Anything About Diet and Exercise.”

The plan is simple. It taps into the power of the written word, where loose ideas become concrete and coherent actions, commitments are made, and anything is possible. It also harnesses the power of the mind, it shows daily incremental improvement by just thinking about it. It’s self conditioning and sustainable. It’s also inexpensive, and incredibly easy, and takes no time to implement each day. It could be as little as five minutes a day. There are only a few rules and five steps, and two of the steps are weigh-ins. How cinchy is that? Here’s a list of the things you’ll need:

Scale – For two weigh-ins, one at the start, and one after the 30 days.
Pen and Paper – For recording what you eat and what you do.

The five steps are as follows:

Step 1: Weigh yourself.
Step 2: Do some physical activity.
Step 3: Record everything you shove into your mouth
Step 4: Review your daily log.
Step 5: Weigh yourself.


Step 1: Weigh yourself.

I happen to be 199 lbs. The reader needs to understand that this is a result of my successful Fat and Happy Plan implementation. I've been in practice for several years., I was able to gain over 25 lbs!!! 199 lbs might not seem like a lot, but my height is only 5 foot 8 inches. I’m rounding out quite well. After the first weigh-in, lose your scale or hide it and remember where it is. You won't be needing this until the final weigh in (see Step 5).

Step 2: Do some physical activity.

Do something everyday, for 30 consecutive days, a walk around the bloc, pushups, sit-ups, tennis, jump rope, playing with the kids, whatever. Do it, and write it down in a log, whatever it is. The point isn’t what you do, just do something, get your body moving. In addition, it should be as small and minimal as possible. No hero stuff here, just as little as possible with whatever you feel comfortable with, but do it EVERY single day. If your body feels you can do more on a given, day, do more, but don't do too much to start, you'll regress and be forced to start over (see Rule 1). Remember, you should be able to accomplish the goal in only 30 days. Do this for 30 days in a row, record your progress, write about it, your feelings (physical and emotional).

Step 3: Record everything you shove into your mouth.

Do this step Record everything you eat and drink for each of the 30 days . That is, everything you put in your mouth! Everything, cigarettes, wine, water, candy, mints, EVERY single thing.

Step 4: Review your daily log.

At some point before you go to bed, re-read the log entries you made today, aloud! That’s right, out loud, sounds stupid but you’ll have to go with this, it’s only 30 days. If you feel dumb doing this, do it where nobody can hear you.

Step 5: Weigh yourself.

Marvel at the results.

A couple of other rules.

  1. If you happen to miss a day of activity, or any of the work, which includes keeping your records, you must start over from day 1, and continue until you've been successful for 30 days in succession. That’s clearly the only way I can guarantee success.
  2. Write down your weight from step 1 on the top of all of your daily logs. Your initial weight should be the first entry. This will provide a little extra motivation to keep doing what you’re doing for the duration of the plan, despite the fact that it may only take you five minutes a day.

That’s it! Incredible cinchy and effective. In the end I expect to lose weight, be in better shape, and condition myself to have some self discipline. We’ll see what happens. Below is my first daily log entry.

Day 1

  • 199!
  • A pot of coffee
  • 2 soft boiled eggs
  • 2 pieces of honey wheat toast with real butter
  • 1 hard boiled egg yoke from the kids plate
  • 2 sausage links
  • 5 blueberries
  • 1 plum
  • 11 blackberries
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 500mg Vitamin C tablet
  • 1 string cheese
  • 4 beers (Point Light)
  • 3 vodka drinks (with a mix of Gatorade, Red Bull, and Club Soda)
  • 2 pieces of fried chicken
  • 12 cheese and crackers
  • 8 summer sausage slices
  • 6 tortilla chips and nacho dip
  • 1 piece of thick pepperoni pizza
  • 1 barbeque chicken sandwich
  • 8 Altoids

  • 15 pushups
  • 10 leg lifts (the kind where you’re laying on the ground and you put your hands behind your butt)
  • Tennis with the kids (chasing down balls mostly)



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