Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Day 17 - Hitting Stride

I finally wake up without feeling bloated. I hear from more than one person reading this that I don’t eat much. I know I was eating more in the first couple of days, it was pretty pathetic. That coupled with all of the “empty calories,” could be why I was so fat and happy. Even though I’ve dialed my solid consumption back a touch, I still don’t feel hungry. I’ve heard your metabolism slows as you age, so I probably don’t need that much to begin with. Is it true that your stomach can really shrink? I find that hard to believe. I know of only one body part that can grow and shrink. Regardless, it is what it is.

Keep in mind, I’ve been eating and drinking anything I please. So that part isn’t different from the Fat and Happy Plan. The difference is that I’m eating and living consciously, aware of how much I stuff in, and able to reject bad choices when I really don’t need it. When I was living unconsciously, I didn’t know, it just went in.

This plan is easy for me. I have my notepad with me most of the time. I’m seeking new opportunities to do activities. Today, I needed to go to the bank. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone and walk my buddy Vern. Guessing, this is certainly a longer route than our standard two miler, but I’m feeling up to it and the worst case is I call my neighbor to pick us up if I’m feeling fatigued.

After I walk Vern to the bank and we go through the drive thru (didn’t think the bank would appreciate Vern in their nice lobby), Vern starts panting and dogging it a bit. On the way back home, he stops in the shade to lay down and rest at least 8 times. After some quick coaxing he’s back up and walking with his tongue hanging out looking longer than ever. I’m feeling good, I feel like this is nothing for me, even though I’m sweating just a tad. It’s that feeling like you had when you were a kid running around with your friends like you could go forever. No pain, just moving. I’m hitting my stride. I feel like I’m kicking Vern’s butt on this jaunt. Vern is a little dog, a Cairn Terrier, so I don’t think he’s in the working dog group as listed by the American Kennel Club. But, I’m feeling like he should be able to walk a distance without passing out. Perhaps I need a new neighbor dog to walk.

Day 17

  • 199!
  • 5 cups of coffee
  • 4 glasses of water
  • 1” cube of pound cake (free sample at Starbuck’s)
  • 1 mixed berry Yoplait yogurt
  • 3 handfuls of sunflower seeds
  • 1 Swanson frozen macaroni n’ cheese
  • 1/3 pint of blueberries
  • 1 turkey sandwich on wheat with mayo
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 4 Coors light beers
  • 1 ½ pieces of fried chicken strips
  • 25 pushups
  • 3 mile walk with Vern
  • Football*
  • Wiffle-Ball**

* just running routes and goofing around in the street. I did sweat however.

** you’d be amazed at how you can sweat doing this, I’m counting it.


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