Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Lakewood High Velocity 4" Fan

Everytime I come into work I'm sweating because it's so humid and dank in the somewhat renovated factory where I work. So a friend of mine bought me this fan. While it's somewhat quiet and does in fact move air, the design stinks.

It's all metal construction. So if it's been running awhile, and you want to turn it off, you'll notice that the back is hot, where the motor is mounted. In addition it only has one speed. So when you're tired of it blowing at a high velocity, your only option is "off." But now I'm hot again, so "on." But now I'm sick of it, so "off." On/Off, On/Off, On/Off, On/Off!!!

Also, the gaps in the fan grate are big enough for the youngins' to stick their fingers through. While I don't have any youngin's running around the work office, I certainly do at the home office. So if you're looking for a cheap fan that moves air, I recommend looking for a more expensive fan that moves air.


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